My first pregnant client ever was lucky enough to go through it on television. That is obviously a joke. Imagine having to handle your body continually evolving for 9 months, and then most likely another year past that, and having to do it all on camera. You know the term, "the camera adds 10 pounds"? Think how frightening that statement would be when combined with your first pregnancy. Lucky for her I am a fabulous stylist and I love a good challenge!
Ladies, it is really all about making sure that no matter what month of pregnancy you are in, you still show that you have a body. Much like I promote wearing silhouette conscious clothing when you are a curvier woman, this is very similar. Once you put on a garbage bag of a dress, you look even BIGGER than you are. Stop with the frumpy, slouchy clothing when you are pregnant! In fact, my biggest pet peeve for lovely pregnant women is when they try and shop in the "regular" sized section until their 7th month. You are pregnant, not fat, wear clothing that is made for your new, curvy body. The maternity section is designed to fit this new body of yours, therefore it is going to fit you properly. What a fabulous concept!
Photo courtesy of showhype.com
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