Thursday, January 29, 2009

Capitol on Consignment: Make $ and Make Room!

Is there anything better than making some money and making room to buy even more! I don't think so. Consignment is the beautiful answer to cleaning out your closet and truly making room for your fashion evolution. In this fantastic time of recession, we are all trying to figure out ways to make extra cash and not really change our lifestyles that much. This might just be the answer to our prayers.

As I have already promoted, cleaning out your closet twice a year is truly the best way to keep things organized, remember what you own and make way for your new seasonal goodies. Giving things to Salvation Army is the kind and generous thing to do, but passing along a Gucci blazer to a person who may as well think it came from Target is just a crime. So, I suggest putting together a separate pile of those beautiful items that true shopaholics may enjoy for half the price. In order to receive such gifts, you must give such gifts:)

Tribecas Closet is one of my latest and greatest finds. It is an on-line, yes on-line, consignment store. Does life get any easier? The greatest part is that if you live in the NYC area, the beautiful and lovely owner will actually personally come and pick up your garments! Talk about a custom-made service. Now, not only is consignment a fantastic way to clean out and clean up, but it is also the perfect answer to buying designer at half the price. Did I mention recession proof style? Well now I did.... Go be fabulous and frugal, no one will know the difference!

Go find fabulousness at Tribecas Closet!

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